Energy certification for high performance buildings in any climate
Passivhaus is an energy certification standard for all types of buildings, in any climate, focused on maximising thermal comfort and minimising energy consumption. Developed in 1990 by the Passivhaus Institute in Darmstadt, Germany, the standard has seen exponential growth in recent years, with a successful adaptation to warm climates. Based on a “fabric first” approach, the standard is rooted in a rigorous design process and guaranteed by on-site quality control. A Passivhaus building offers energy savings of up to 90% compared to conventional buildings, with a high level of comfort and indoor air quality, making healthy buildings with minimal running costs a reality.
We are Passivhaus experts, Certified Consultants, Tradespersons and Component Certifiers. We have extensive experience in warm climate design and a proven track record, with the successful certification of multiple buildings, from single-family homes to offices and elderly people’s residencies, in both new-build and retrofit. We undertake airtightness “Blower Door” testing, to EN 13829 and Passivhaus protocols, to ensure the building envelope is draught-free and meets project requirements.
Working closely with our clients to make high-performance building a reality, we offer bespoke consultancy services and building physics expertise, using a range of hygro-thermal energy simulation tools for the analysis and optimisation of building structures: energy simulation with PHPP; thermo-dynamic energy simulation with DesignBuilder / EnergyPlus; daylighting analysis with Radiance; dynamic hygrothermal analysis of building structures with WUFI; 2D and 3D thermal bridge analysis to reduce heat flow at junctions and minimise the risk of moisture damage. We are experts in the design and specification of Passivhaus buildings with renewable, bio-based and low embodied energy materials, so that energy efficiency goes hand-in-hand with the creation of healthy and environmentally friendly spaces.
Passivhaus Projects
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